
New Patient Visit: 60 minutes

Every visit with a Chinese Medicine practitioner is tailored especially for you. We treat the patient in front of us, which means at every visit you will receive a review of your overall state of health today. We treat symptoms while addressing the underlying root cause.

The initial visit includes a comprehensive overview of your medical history and current concerns. We will work together to create goals and a treatment plan. In addition to the consultation and acupuncture, this visit may include other modalities such as cupping, moxibustion, Tui na, gua sha, ear seeds, auricular acupuncture, infrared heat therapy, and electronic stimulation.

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Return Patient Visit: 45 Minutes

This treatment for returning patients will include holistic assessment, review of the treatment plan, goals, and discuss lifestyle and diet. The session will include acupuncture and, based on your needs, other modalities such as cupping, moxibustion, Tui na, gua sha, ear seeds, auricular acupuncture, infrared heat therapy and/or electronic stimulation.

Every visit with a Chinese Medicine practitioner is tailored especially for you. We treat the patient in front of us, which means at every visit you will receive a review of your overall state of health today. We treat symptoms while addressing the underlying root cause.

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Return Patient Visit +Plus: 60 Minutes

This is the standard return visit, but longer. Ideal for the patient who wants to go deeper in their treatment. The session could include extended bodywork, Tui na, cupping, sliding cups, gua sha, electronic stimulation and moxibustion.

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